Our Story

How can I help?  That is the question every concerned Jew and Jewish ally is asking these days. Operation Iron Networks is a networking initiative that catalyzes concerned Americans to support the Israeli startup sector, which is currently facing an economic tsunami precipitated by the war.  Operation Iron Networks connects Americans affiliated with business networks, JCCs, synagogues, day schools and federations with the leadership of promising Israeli startups to help them find the experts, customers, clients and support they need to scale their companies. 

The Israeli economy has suffered after every operation and war, and this one will be no different, but may be far worse. A 10% contraction in the Israeli GDP is already expected in this quarter.  The budgetary impacts of this war, which costs $250 million dollars a day, will be felt for a generation. 

At the same time, Israeli innovation continues to shine.  Operation Iron Networks enables American Jewry to be part of the start-up nation’s recovery by accelerating access to the most important and largest markets for Israeli companies. Our vision is to harness the care and concern of American Jews into practical networking that will seed the long-term economic recovery that Israel needs. With the rapid global rise in anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, the need for Jews to help other Jews has become more urgent and important than ever before. 


  1. Give American Jews a substantive way to use their skills, talents and connections to keep the start-up sector’s engine running even under extreme duress.

  2. Funnel the current sense of Jewish solidarity and vulnerability into practical action and impactful professional connections. 

  3. Provide a b2b lifesaver to thousands of individuals in small and midsize companies who find themselves in a precarious economic situation that was unfathomable a month ago.

  4. Accelerate the ability for Israeli tech companies with quality products to find their market despite the myriad labor and operational challenges the war presents.

  5. Empower and catalyze Jewish Americans’ to realize that their skills and networks can play a critical role right now in the start-up nation, by supporting Israeli peers who are currently risking their own lives and companies to protect the Jewish state.